Headcanon Voice Publishing

A voice publishing platform for serialized stories, non-fiction, marketing, and more.

Find new paying audiences on Alexa & Echo devices.

The Headcanon Voice Publishing platform delivers one episode per day, free-of-charge. Publishers can make all episodes available, or limit to an extended sample.

To get the entire story at once, plus unique interactive features, listeners can purchase Full Access from directly within the app.

Pricing is flexible. For example, one may charge $0.99 to $99.99 per title in the U.S. 

Headcanon Interactive Features

Enrich the listening experience with Headcanon interactive features tuned to the category and character of the content.


Let users explore within the story.

For example, after you’ve heard an episode of our premiere story Here Boy, you can say Hear thoughts to listen in on the characters’ thoughts, or say Look around for a detailed perusal of the current scene.

Message listeners email.

For the forthcoming Headcanon Edition of the cult serial, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, by Rex Weiner, you can say Send me the playlist to get a music playlist specially curated for each of the story’s New Wave/late 70’s downtown Manhattan episodes, available by email or episode Commentary.

Experiences for a range of categories.

And we’re just getting started! Look forward to author’s commentaries, just like director commentaries for film. Learning apps, and voice non-fiction that educates, enlightens, and enriches life.

Headcanon Creator

The Headcanon Voice Publishing platform has been designed to scale. The runtime app is separated from the content it displays and operates. And that content is created in an easy-to-understand, graphical Authoring Console that requires no code or technical understanding. All that’s required is a head for structure and detail–the same things needed to create compelling stories, marketing campaigns, and anything else that connects with audiences.

Coming Soon to Headcanon Voice!

Here Boy, A Love Story

by Ron Martinez

Willa is an actress, past the ingenue phase and into character roles that vary widely from vamp to tough-talking career woman. In real life, Willa has a sweet, skewed view of what she believes is ultimately an incomprehensible universe. Certainly, she finds the men she meets incomprehensible.

She an Irish wolfhound named Finbar, and the two live in an enchanted lane in San Francisco. One morning, Willa receives a call for an acting role to be shot in Paris. She says she’ll do it–as long as she can bring her dog Finn with her. The movie company agrees and off they go to Paris on a trip that will change her life forever.


Say, “Alexa, enable Here Boy” to enable. Then “Alexa, open Here Boy” to listen.

The (Original) Adventures of Ford Fairlane

by Rex Weiner

Before the movie about a rock n’ roll detective there were Rex Weiner’s noirish stories, capturing the punk rock 1970s in New York and Los Angeles in all their gritty glory. First published in the New York Rocker and the LA Weekly in 1979-1980, the stories became the basis for the 20th Century Fox motion picture starring Andrew Dice Clay.

From CBGBs, the Mudd Club and Tier 3 in NYC to the Starwood, Zero Zero and Cuckoo’s Nest in LA, Ford Fairlane takes you back to a sexy, violent and explosively creative time and place that live on in rock n’ roll legend, brought authentically to life in these hardboiled stories


Coming Soon

Creators! Have a project that might be a good fit?

Headcanon will soon announce a set of publishing models, including:

  • A paid, self-publishing plan, where you keep the lion’s share of sales revenue
  • Voice “flyers” for marketing that offer extended listening previews in exchange for contact information such as an email address
  • Full Headcanon Publishing, where we set up and distribute the work at our expense, and share revenue with you

What Works Best

Serialized works with additional content that can be made available to listeners when they get Full Access is ideal. And  by the way, if you’ve already recorded an audiobook, it may be possible to adapt it to Headcanon’s serial publishing model.

Please get in touch and tell us about your work, and how you think we might be able to communicate. And get on our mailing list for announcements about our publishing programs, and other news and information.

Headcanon for Marketing

Use Headcanon acquire customers and drive sales by unlocking extended content when users opt-inw with their email address.

The messaging you send can:

  • Encourage listeners to buy a print or ebook edition
  • Provide a link to any other product
  • Deliver coupons and special offers
  • Sign the user up for a newsletter
  • And more…

White Label Publishing

Headcanon can deliver fully branded publishing and marketing programs. If this resonates, please get in touch. We’re happy to learn more, and see how we can help you achieve your objectives.

We’d love to hear from you.

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