Headcanon fUtUrIst
Where it’s ten years from now, right now.
A speculative fiction, applied futurism platform powered by thinkers, dreamers, technologists, creators, entrepreneurs, and inventors. Like you.

Rebuilding the Future
The future isn’t what it used to be.
In a few short months, a global pandemic has changed the way the world works, and revealed where it doesn’t work. The accelerating effects of climate change have set millions of acres on fire, fouled the air, even as drought and rising seas threaten both the heartland and coastal communities.
This unprecedented upheaval has put the plans and objectives of both individuals and companies into a state of uncertainty. And in many cases, the futures we thought we could count on are simply no more.
Headcanon Futurist is a speculative fiction-fueled, collaborative innovation platform backed by professional productization and intellectual property processes. It implements a program of applied futurism intended to produce industrial strength innovation.

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Headcanon fUtUrIst
Where it’s ten years from now, right now.

Continuous future history always being written.
Today, it’s 2030 on Headcanon Futurist. A global pandemic, accelerating climate change, and economic upheval have changed the way the world works, and revealed where it doesn’t work. A continously written future history provides a generative framework within which we will invent and rebuild the future.

Stories. News. Art. From a network of contributors.
What will we watch or experience in 2030 and beyond? News and current events, fictional and personal stories, films, games, voice applications—all of these, collaboratively developed remotely, will appear on the Headcanon Futurist platform.

Submit future products, services, processes...
Platform participants can submit their ideas about future products, services, and more. And platform access can be given to a workgroup, division, an entire company, or an open innovation community of contributors, with professional management of resulting inventions.

Vote up or down, to surface the great ideas.
Participants vote on the ideas submitted. All of them are available to the community. The most promising inventions can also be routed into further development: prototypes, products, intellectual property, (including patents, trade secrets), or dedication to the Commons.